On 05/08/2011 07:35 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
I believe that the "make check" target in src/test/isolation is
fundamentally unportable, as is illustrated by the fact that buildfarm
member coypu is currently choking on it.  The reason is that the
pg_isolation_regress program depends on libpq, and in particular it
depends on having an *installed* libpq.  Anyplace where it appears to
work, it's because you already installed Postgres, or at least libpq.

darn, you're right.

Apparently coypu is the only buildfarm member that hasn't got a
reasonably recent libpq already installed in system directories; or
maybe it's just the first such that's tried to run the isolation-test
script step.

Most aren't running the test because they aren't updated yet. There are six machines running the tests:

   pgbfprod=# select distinct sysname from build_status_log where
   log_stage ~ 'isolation' and snapshot > now() - interval '2 months';

chough is doing the wrong thing anyway, because I got distracted and forgot to fill in the MSVC piece of the puzzle.

While we could maybe hack this to the point where it works (on some
platforms) by dynamically linking libpq from the source tree, I don't
think it's worth the trouble.


1. Modify the buildfarm script to run "make installcheck" in the
isolation-test step, and of course move that to after doing the install

working on that.

I have pushed a quick fix disabling the test for now until I come up with proper coding for this tomorrow. See


2. Get rid of the "check" target in src/test/isolation/Makefile.
We don't need to be dealing with bug reports from people who try to
use it and get either a link failure (easily diagnosed) or a libpq
version compatibility problem (not so easily diagnosed).





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