Hello developers,

My project had a requirement to use certificate authentication to the PG
server. Our application uses Hibernate.

We did just that and my boss has OKed a source release.

Now, the current version of the code has dependencies on our internal
libraries, so I'll need to spend a bit of time making this 'standard'
Java code.

Would you please tell me how you'd prefer for me to proceed to do that?
Do I need write access to your CVS repo, or should I just send the code
and test case by email?

Is there a specific version of the JDBC code you want me to work from,
should I just pick whatever is HEAD?

Any package you'd like me to choose?

Any specific crypto/ssl requirements to consider?

Any specific dependencies to use instead of others? (e.g. I like SLF4J,
but that's not everyone's choice...)

Marc-André Laverdière
Software Security Scientist
Innovation Labs, Tata Consultancy Services
Hyderabad, India

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