> Tomasz Chmielewski <man...@wpkg.org> writes:
>> On 31.05.2011 05:16, Tom Lane wrote:
>>> I think the most appropriate solution may be to disallow SELECT FOR
>>> UPDATE/SHARE on sequences ... so if you have a good reason why we
>>> shouldn't do so, please explain it.
>> I grepped the sources of the application using postgres, and it certainly 
>> doesn't do it.
>> [ but pgpool does, as of a couple months ago ]
>> This is a message explaining why it was introduced to pgpool:
>> http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.db.postgresql.pgpool.devel/348
> Too bad that wasn't mentioned on pgsql-hackers, where someone might have
> pointed out the major flaws in the idea.
>> 2) is pgpool behaviour correct?
> No.  Quite aside from the lack-of-XID-maintenance problem, the proposal
> seems just plain bizarre to me.  SELECT FOR UPDATE wouldn't block
> nextval(), so the command doesn't actually guarantee serialization of
> sequence value acquisition.

Actually it was already explained before:


At the time no one noticed the lack-of-XID-maintenance
problem. Tomasz, thanks for the report. I will go back to old way as
pgpool-II used to do, which is very inefficient unfortunately...

>  Taking a table lock on the sequence could
> do so, and wouldn't run into any implementation issues, so I fail to see
> why that alternative was rejected.

Table lock on the sequence? PostgreSQL doesn't allow it...

> I'm also wondering a bit how one
> determines *which* sequence to lock, in a case where the table has
> multiple serial columns ...

No problem at least for pgpool-II. Just choose one of them and obtain
lock on it is enough. Because purpose for the lock is to prevent
concurrent INSERT to the table.
Tatsuo Ishii
SRA OSS, Inc. Japan
English: http://www.sraoss.co.jp/index_en.php
Japanese: http://www.sraoss.co.jp

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