John Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Wednesday 12 June 2002 16:36, Tom Lane wrote:
>> Queries after the failure aren't run at all; they're only passed through
>> the parser's grammar so it can look for a COMMIT or ROLLBACK command.
>> Normal processing resumes after ROLLBACK.  If you were paying attention
>> to the return codes you'd notice complaints like
>> regression=# begin;
>> regression=# select 1/0;
>> ERROR:  floating point exception! The last floating point operation either exceeded 
>legal ranges or was a divide by zero
>> -- subsequent queries will be rejected like so:
>> regression=# select 1/0;
>> WARNING:  current transaction is aborted, queries ignored until end of transaction 

> Well, I'm using JDBC, and it isn't throwing any exceptions, so I
> assumed it was working :-/ 

This brings up a point that's bothered me in the past.  Why is the
"queries ignored" response treated as a NOTICE and not an ERROR?
A client that is not paying close attention to the command result code
(as JDBC is evidently not doing :-() might think that its command had
been executed.

It seems to me the right behavior is

regression=# select 1/0;
ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, queries ignored until end of transaction block

I think the reason why it's been done with a NOTICE is that if we
elog(ERROR) on the first command of a query string, we'll not be able to
process a ROLLBACK appearing later in the same string --- but that
behavior does not seem nearly as helpful as throwing an error.

                        regards, tom lane

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