On 06.06.2011 10:42, Heikki Linnakangas wrote:
On 03.06.2011 14:02, Alexander Korotkov wrote:

WIP patch of fast GiST index build is attached. Code is dirty and
are lacking, but it works. Now it is ready for first benchmarks, which
should prove efficiency of selected technique. It's time to compare fast
GiST index build with repeat insert build on large enough datasets
which don't fit to cache). There are following aims of testing:
1) Measure acceleration of index build.
2) Measure change in index quality.
I'm going to do first testing using synthetic datasets. Everybody who
interesting real-life datasets for testing are welcome.

I ran another test with a simple table generated with:

CREATE TABLE pointtest (p point);
INSERT INTO pointtest SELECT point(random(), random()) FROM

Generating a gist index with:

CREATE INDEX i_pointtest ON pointtest USING gist (p);

took about 15 hours without the patch, and 2 hours with it. That's quite

Oops, that was a rounding error, sorry. The run took about 2.7 hours with the patch, which of course should be rounded to 3 hours, not 2. Anyway, it is still a very impressive improvement.

I'm glad you could get the patch ready for benchmarking this quickly. Now you just need to get the patch into shape so that it can be committed. That is always the more time-consuming part, so I'm glad you have plenty of time left for it.

Could you please create a TODO list on the wiki page, listing all the missing features, known bugs etc. that will need to be fixed? That'll make it easier to see how much work there is left. It'll also help anyone looking at the patch to know which issues are known issues.

Meanwhile, it would still be very valuable if others could test this with different workloads. And Alexander, it would be good if at some point you could write some benchmark scripts too, and put them on the wiki page, just to see what kind of workloads have been taken into consideration and tested already. Do you think there's some worst-case data distributions where this algorithm would perform particularly badly?

  Heikki Linnakangas
  EnterpriseDB   http://www.enterprisedb.com

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