On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 11:20 PM, Jignesh Shah <jks...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Okay I tried it out with sysbench read scaling test..
> Note I had tried that earlier on 9.0
> http://jkshah.blogspot.com/2010/11/postgresql-90-simple-select-scaling.html
> And on that test I found that doing that test on anything bigger than
> 4 cores lead to decreased performance ..
> Redoing the same test with 100 users on 4 vCPU Virtual Machine with
> 8GB with 1M rows I get
>   transactions:                        17870082 (59566.46 per sec.)
> which is inline with the best number on 9.0.
> This test hardly had any idle CPUs.
> However where it made a huge impact was doing the same test on my 8
> vCPU VM with 8GB RAM I get
>    transactions:                        33274594 (110914.85 per sec.)
> which is a whopping 1.8x scaling for 2x scaling (from 4 to 8 vCPU)..
> My idle cpu was less than 7% which when taken into consideration that
> the "useful" work is line with my expectations is really impressive..
> (And plus the last time I did MySQL they were around 95K or so for the
> same test).

> Next step DBT-2..

I tried with a warehouse size of 50 all cached in memory and my
initial tests with DBT-2 using 8 vCPU does not show any major changes
for a quick 10 minute run. I did eliminate write bottlenecks for this
test so as to stress on locks (using full_page_writes=off,
synchronous_commit=off, etc). I also have a large enough bufferpool to
fit the all 50 warehouse DB in memory

Without patch  score:      29088 NOTPM
With patch patch score:  30161 NOTPM

It could be that I have other problems in the setup..One of the things
I noticed is that there are too many "Idle in Connections" being
reported which tells me something else is becoming a bottleneck here
:-) I also tested with multiple clients but similar results..  both
postgresql shows multiple idle in transaction and fetch in waiting
while the clients show waiting in SocketCheck.. like shown below for

#0  0x00007fc4e83a43c6 in poll () from /lib64/libc.so.6
#1  0x00007fc4e8abd61a in pqSocketCheck ()
#2  0x00007fc4e8abd730 in pqWaitTimed ()
#3  0x00007fc4e8abc215 in PQgetResult ()
#4  0x00007fc4e8abc398 in PQexecFinish ()
#5  0x00000000004050e1 in execute_new_order ()
#6  0x000000000040374f in process_transaction ()
#7  0x0000000000403519 in db_worker ()

So yes for DBT2 I think this is inconclusive since there still could
be other bottlenecks in play..  (Networking included)
But overall yes I like the sysbench read scaling numbers quite a bit..


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