On 06/13/2011 06:38 PM, Bruce Momjian wrote:
Andrew Dunstan wrote:

On 06/13/2011 02:26 PM, Bruce Momjian wrote:
I found the cause. When I added 'github' to ~/.gitconfig a few months
ago, I copied this line from .git/config:

        fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*

If this line is in ~/.gitconfig for both 'origin' and 'github', git
cannot create .git/config entries.

Attached is my corrected  ~/.gitconfig file.  I now use only the 'url'
branch entries, which is all that is needed.

[remote "origin"]
     url = ssh://g...@gitmaster.postgresql.org/postgresql.git
# Do not add the next line or .git/config is not updated.
#    fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
[remote "github"]
     url = g...@github.com:bmomjian/postgres.git

Is putting remotes in your ~/.gitconfig  good practice? I certainly
don't have any in mine.
Putting 'github' in there allows me to push/pull from github branches
without having to specify the github URL.

The one for "origin" seems a particularly bad idea to me, although I
don't claim that my git-fu is of the highest.
Yeah, it isn't necessary, but it does allow me to do:

        git clone origin

again without having to specify the URL.

Well, TIMTOWTDI, but I suspect you'd be much better off using git aliases for both these purposes. Then you would not have got yourself into the trouble that gave rise to this conversation.



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