On 06/14/2011 02:20 PM, Kevin Grittner wrote:
Just on our Wiki pages we have some queries available for copy/paste which would need multiple
versions while both column names were in supported versions of the


...and most of these would actually be simplified if they could just JOIN on pid instead of needing this common idiom:

           join pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity ka
           on kl.pid = ka.procpid

Yes, there are a lot of these floating around. I'd bet that in an hour of research I could find 95% of them though, and make sure they were all updated in advance of the release. (I already did most of this search as part of stealing every good idea I could find in this area for my book)

I think that's consistent with the "save up our breaking changes to do them all 
once" approach.

I don't actually buy into this whole idea at all. We already have this big wall at 8.3 because changes made in that release are too big for people on the earlier side to upgrade past. I'd rather see a series of smaller changes in each release, even if they are disruptive, so that no one version turns into a frustrating hurdle seen as impossible to clear. This adjustment is a perfect candidate for putting into 9.2 to me, because I'd rather reduce max(breakage) across releases than intentionally aim at increasing it but bundling them into larger clumps.

For me, the litmus test is whether the change provides enough improvement that it outweighs the disruption when the user runs into it. This is why I suggested a specific, useful, and commonly requested (to me at least) change to pg_stat_activity go along with this. If people discover their existing pg_stat_activity tools break, presumably they're going to look at the view again to see what changed. When they do that, I don't want the reaction to be "why was this random change made?" I want it to be "look, there are useful new fields in here; let me see if I can use them too here". That's how you make people tolerate disruption in upgrades. If they see a clear improvement in the same spot when forced to fix around it, the experience is much more pleasant if they get something new out of it too.

Greg Smith   2ndQuadrant US    g...@2ndquadrant.com   Baltimore, MD
PostgreSQL Training, Services, and 24x7 Support  www.2ndQuadrant.us

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