On 06/17/2011 10:20 AM, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
alvherre=# \doS ~

                                               Listado de operadores
   Esquema   | Nombre | Tipo arg izq | Tipo arg der | Tipo resultado |          
  pg_catalog | ~      | text         | text         | boolean        | matches 
regular expression, case-sensitive

Note that there's no way to tell which is the regex here.  It'd be a lot
better if the description was explicit about it.  (Or, alternatively,
use a different data type for regexes than plain text ... but that has
been in the Todo list for years ...)

+1 for improving the description.

Have ~ keep its existing semantics, use ~= for the commutator?  There
are a lot more chars allowed in operator names anyway, it doesn't seem
to me like we need to limit ourselves to ~, = and @.

Yeah, maybe something like ~< for the commutator. (I know, we're bikeshedding somewhat.)

I *do* like the idea of having commutate-ability for ANY/ALL, having
needed it a couple of times in the past.

Indeed. me too.



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