On 2011-06-20 19:22, Marti Raudsepp wrote:

AIUI that is defined to be a little vague, but includes denormalized numbers
that would undergo any rounding at all.  It says that on overflow the
conversion should return the appropriate HUGE_VAL variant, and set ERANGE.
  On underflow it returns a reasonably appropriate value (and either may or
must set ERANGE, which is the part that isn't clear to me).

Which standard is that? Does IEEE 754 itself define strtod() or is
there another relevant standard?

Urr.  No, this is C and/or Unix standards, not IEEE 754.

I did some more research into this. The postgres docs do specify the range error, but seemingly based on a different interpretation of underflow than what I found in some of the instances of strtod() documentation:

    Numbers too close to zero that are not representable as
    distinct from zero will cause an underflow error.

This talks about denormals that get _all_ their significant digits rounded away, but some of the documents I saw specify an underflow for denormals that get _any_ of their significant digits rounded away (and thus have an abnormally high relative rounding error).

The latter would happen for any number that is small enough to be denormal, and is also not representable (note: that's not the same thing as "not representable as distinct from zero"!). It's easy to get non-representable numbers when dumping binary floats in a decimal format. For instance 0.1 is not representable, nor are 0.2, 0.01, and so on. The inherent rounding of non-representable values produces weirdness like 0.1 + 0.2 - 0.3 != 0.

I made a quick round of the strtod() specifications I could find, and they seem to disagree wildly:

      Source                    ERANGE when             Return what
PostgreSQL docs                 All digits lost         zero
Linux programmer's manual       All digits lost         zero
My GNU/Linux strtod()           Any digits lost         rounded number
SunOS 5                         Any digits lost         rounded number
GNU documentation               All digits lost         zero
IEEE 1003.1 (Open Group 2004)   Any digits lost         denormal
JTC1/SC22/WG14 N794             Any digits lost         denormal
Sun Studio (C99)                Implementation-defined  ?
ISO/IEC 9899:TC2                Implementation-defined  denormal
C99 Draft N869 (1999)           Implementation-defined  denormal

We can't guarantee very much, then. It looks like C99 disagrees with the postgres interpretation, but also leaves a lot up to the compiler.

I've got a few ideas for solving this, but none of them are very good:

(a) Ignore underflow errors.

This could hurt anyone who relies on knowing their floating-point implementation and the underflow error to keep their rounding errors in check. It also leaves a kind of gap in the predictability of the database's floating-point behaviour.

Worst hit, or possibly the only real problem, would be algorithms that divide other numbers, small enough not to produce infinities, by rounded denormals.

(b) Dump REAL and DOUBLE PRECISION in hex.

With this change, the representation problem goes away and ERANGE would reliably mean "this was written in a precision that I can't reproduce." We could sensibly provide an option to ignore that error for cross-platform dump/restores.

This trick does raise a bunch of compatibility concerns: it's a new format of data to restore, it may not work on pre-C99 compilers, and so on. Also, output for human consumption would have to differ from pg_dump output.

(c) Have pg_dump produce calculations, not literals, for denormals.

Did I mention how these were not great ideas? If your database dump contains 1e-308, pg_dump could recognize that this value can be calculated in the database but possibly not entered directly, and dump e.g. "1e-307::float / 10" instead.

(d) Make pg_dump set some "ignore underflows" option.

This may make dumps unusable for older postgres versions. Moreover, it doesn't help ORMs and applications that are currently unable to store the "problem numbers."

(e) Do what the documentation promises.

Actually I have no idea how we could guarantee this.

(f) Ignore ERANGE unless strtod() returns ±0 or ±HUGE_VAL.

This is probably a reasonable stab at common sense. It does have the nasty property that it doesn't give a full guarantee either way: restores could still break on pre-C99 systems that return 0 on underflow, but C99 doesn't guarantee a particularly accurate denormal. In practice though, implementations seem to do their best to give you the most appropriate rounded number.


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