I signed up to do a review on $subject patch for the commitfest. In
order to do that, I want to get SELinux and contrib/sepgsql properly set
up so that I can test. I ran into a problem when trying to do:

    cd contrib/sepgsql
    make install                       (succeeds)
    make installcheck                  (fails)

I get this:

    ============== creating database "contrib_regression" ==============
    ERROR:  could not determine which collation to use for string
    HINT:  Use the COLLATE clause to set the collation explicitly.
    command failed: "/usr/local/pgsql-head/bin/psql" -X -c "CREATE
    DATABASE \"contrib_regression\" TEMPLATE=template0" "postgres"
    make: *** [installcheck] Error 2

So I installed sepgsql into the postgres database anyway and do this:

    postgres=# SELECT sepgsql_restorecon(NULL);
    ERROR:  could not determine which collation to use for string
    HINT:  Use the COLLATE clause to set the collation explicitly.

Ok, so now I go look at the docs to figure out what exactly a "COLLATE
clause" is. Only searching the online docs brings up no hits on the
keyword COLLATE". Google brings me to TODO wiki page:


But that isn't much help either. Grepping the source gets hits in 9.1
and master. So I guess:

1) COLLATE clause is a new feature in 9.1?
2) The doc search feature on postgresql.org does not search the 9.1

I looked in the 9.1 docs in SQL Commands->SELECT and could find no
reference to COLLATE. Can anyone point me to some documentation that
would explain what that error message means and how to resolve it?



Joe Conway
credativ LLC: http://www.credativ.us
Linux, PostgreSQL, and general Open Source
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