Hi all,

I noticed that the plpgsql extension gets installed with an extension
comment of 'PL/pgSQL procedural language', which comes from
plpgsql.control. That seems fine and dandy, but take a look at the
following query (modified from psql's \dL query):

SELECT l.lanname AS "Name",
       pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(l.lanowner) as "Owner",
       l.lanpltrusted AS "Trusted",
FROM pg_catalog.pg_language l
LEFT JOIN pg_description d
ON d.classoid = l.tableoid AND d.objoid = l.oid;

You should see plpgsql has no comment. The comment does show up if
you're looking for extension comments, like in this query (lifted from
the pg_comments patch):

        d.objoid, d.classoid, d.objsubid,
        'extension'::text AS objtype,
        ext.extnamespace AS objnamespace,
        ext.extname AS objname,
        nsp.nspname IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') AS is_system
        pg_description d
        JOIN pg_extension ext ON d.classoid = ext.tableoid AND d.objoid = 
        JOIN pg_namespace nsp ON ext.extnamespace = nsp.oid
        d.objsubid = 0;

So, basically, I would like to have that comment show up for the first
query. I imagine this could be fixed quite easily by adding:

  COMMENT ON PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE plpgsql IS 'PL/pgSQL procedural language';

somewhere like plpgsql--1.0.sql. And if you're wondering why I care
about any of this, it's because I'd like to fix up psql's \dL command
to display the comments attached to procedural languages, and I'd
rather not have to special-case plpgsql.


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