Hello, Robert.

You wrote:

RH> On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 11:37 AM, Pavel Golub <pa...@microolap.com> wrote:
>> RH> Yeah.  In particular, it conflicts with the ancient copy syntax which
>> RH> we still support for backwards compatibility with versions < 7.3.  We
>> RH> can fix the immediate problem with something like the attached.
>> This patch is ugly. Sorry, Robert, but it's true.

RH> No hard feelings here.  If you, as the reporter of the problem, don't
RH> feel that it's serious enough to warrant back-patching a fix, then I'm
RH> not going to insist.  However, if we don't do what I've proposed here,
RH> then I think 8.4 and 9.0 and probably 9.1 are going to need to stay as
RH> they are, because...

>> RH> (c) Should we consider removing compatibility with the ancient copy
>> RH> syntax in 9.2, and de-reserving that keyword?  (Given that the
>> RH> workaround is this simple, I'm inclined to say "no", but could be
>> RH> persuaded otherwise.)
>> +1 for this. Pre-7.3 syntax is dead in fact for many years.

RH> ...this is not something we're going to back-patch.

Patches needed for 9.0 and 9.1 only, because this is new format
comparing with 8.x

With best wishes,
 Pavel                          mailto:pa...@gf.microolap.com

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