Florian, Radoslaw,

Please both of you calm down.  Florian is trying to improve our XML
type.  Radoslaw is trying to help out by reviewing it.  It's not a
benefit to anyone for you two to get into an argument about who said
what ... especially if the argument is based on (as far as I can see)
not understanding what the other person was saying.

Answering "What did you mean by X?  Did you mean Y, or something else?"
is much more friendly than saying "You couldn't possibly mean X" or "You
don't understand X".  Consider that *both* of you are exchanging emails
in a language which is native to neither of you.

This goes for all discussions on -hackers, but your recent conversation
is a good example of unnecessary argument.

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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