On Jul 19, 2011, at 4:06 PM, Josh Berkus wrote:
>> I have my doubts about that, and I hope not.  These details haven't been
>> discussed at all; I only started this thread to get community approval
>> on cataloguing the TZs.
> I am strongly in favor of having a *timezone* data type and some system
> whereby we can uniquely identify timezones in the Zic database.  That
> would be tremendously useful for all sorts of things.  I'm just
> asserting that those who want a composite timestamp+saved-time-zone data
> type have not thought about all of the complications involved.

Having to deal with timezone's completely separate from their timestamps is a 
huge PITA. That said, if we had a timezone datatype there's at least the 
possibility of using a composite type to deal with all of this. Or at least we 
can just create a custom datatype using existing tools... the only part of this 
that I see that actually requires closer core support is the timezone data 

So if the community is OK with adding a timezone datatype then we can focus on 
that and leave the timestamptztz data type as an add-on (at least assuming we 
don't run into any gotchas).

Alvaro, please speak up if there's any technical issues here that I've missed?
Jim C. Nasby, Database Architect                   j...@nasby.net
512.569.9461 (cell)                         http://jim.nasby.net

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