2011/8/8 Shigeru Hanada <shigeru.han...@gmail.com>:
>>> Currently table-level options are showin in result of \det+ command
>>> (only verbose mode), in same style as fdw and foreign servers.
>>> But \d is more popular for table describing, so moving table-level
>>> options from \det+ to \d might be better.  Thoughts?
> (2011/08/06 9:26), Robert Haas wrote:
>> I'd show it both places.
> After taking a look at describe.c, I think some styles are applicable to
> FDW options in result of \d command.
> (1) simple array literal style
> Show table-level FDW options like other FDW options.  It is  simply a
> result of array_out(); each options is shown as "key=value" with quoting
> if necessary and delimited by ','.  Whole line is surrounded by { and }.
>  If an element includes any character which need to be escaped, such
> element is quoted with double-quotation.
>    Ex)
>    FDW Options: {"delimiter=,","quote=\""}
>    #delimiter is a comma, and qutoe is a double-quote
> (2) reloptions style
> Show FDW options like reloptions of \d+ result.  Each options is shown
> as "key=value" without quoting.  Some special characters might make it
> little illegible.
>    Ex)
>    FDW Options: delimiter=,, quote="
>    #delimiter is a comma, and qutoe is a double-quote
> (3) OPTIONS clause style
> Show FDW options as they were in OPTIONS clause.  Each option is shown
> as "key 'value'", and delimited with ','.
>    Ex)
>    FDW Options: delimiter ',', quote ''''
>    #delimiter is a comma, and qutoe is a single-quote
> (1) can be implemented with minimum change, and it also keeps the
> behavior consistent with other existing FDW objects.  But IMHO (3) is
> most readable, though it breaks backward compatibility about the format
> of FDW options used in the result of \d* command.  Thoughts?

I'm against #2, but I could go either way on #1 vs. #3.  If you pick
#3, would you also change the column options to be displayed that way,
or would we end up with table and column options displayed

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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