On Thursday,  27, 2002, at 10:07AM, Josh Berkus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Or from a financial perspective:  An enterprise MS SQL 2000 user can
>expect to pay, under Licensing 6.0, about $10,000 - $20,000 a year in
>licnesing fees -- *not including any support*.   Just $2000-$5000 buys
>you a pretty good $10 million software failure insurance policy.   Do
>the math.
>-Josh Berkus

The statement above has brought something to light that I had never really 
Will an insurance company issue a software failure policy against PostgreSQL? If so, 
that may help me in my own struggles to convince managment that they're current 
approach to mitigating their risk is not only flawed, but *financially impracticle*.

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