On mån, 2011-09-12 at 10:00 -0400, Robert Haas wrote:
> I certainly think there is value in pushing an alpha release after
> CF4, and maybe even after CF3.

Yes, that makes sense.  Although I was surprised to see that the
download numbers dropped off significantly for the later alphas.

> Whether or not it's worthwhile to do
> them for earlier CFs I'm less certain about, but there seem to be
> several people speaking up and saying that they like having alpha
> releases, and if the hold-up here is just that we need someone to tag
> and bundle, I'm certainly willing to sign on the dotted line for that
> much.  We'd still need someone to write release notes, though,

Writing the release notes is really the main part of the work.  Bundling
the release takes 15 minutes, writing the announcement takes 15 minutes
(copy and paste), writing the release notes takes about 2 days.

> probably someone to arrange for the minimal amount of necessary PR
> work (announcements, etc.), and (somewhat optionally) packagers.

We've tried that in the past, and haven't had much impact.

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