On 23.09.2011 14:56, Yeb Havinga wrote:
I have a use case where an extension dependency can be satisfied by one
of five other extensions. Currently I'm unable to express that in the
extension control file, since the elements from 'requires' are currently
searched on exact name match. The attached patch changes this behaviour
for list elements that end with a *, into prefix matching, so that e.g.
table* matches tablefunc.

That's going to quickly extend into even more complex rules, like "foo OR bar", "(foo OR bar) AND (foobar)" etc. IIRC the extension control file format was modeled after some other package management system (.deb ?). You might want to look at the past discussions when the extension control file format was decided.

We might want to have a system where an extension can declare that it "provides" capabilites, and then have another extension "require" those capabilities. That would be a neater solution to the case that there are multiple extensions that all provide the same capability.

  Heikki Linnakangas
  EnterpriseDB   http://www.enterprisedb.com

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