On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 3:56 PM, Josh Berkus <j...@agliodbs.com> wrote:
> I'd really like us to release an alpha version based on the finished
> CF2.  There have been a number of major features added to PostgreSQL
> prior to this CF -- including Haas's performance improvements and range
> types -- which we really want at least some users to test early.
> Would it be possible to do an alpha release?

Well, we discussed this not long ago, and the conclusion was that we
could do an alpha release if and when someone was willing to write
release notes.  I suggested that it would make sense to do our first
alpha after CF3, and that's still pretty much how I feel about it.  If
we're lucky, maybe we can twist Bruce's arm into doing it.
Regardless, I don't think there's much time in trying to squeeze it
into the week remaining before CF3, though; anything we write now will
be obsolete almost as soon as it's written.

An interesting question is this: What fraction of what is ultimately
going to end up in this release is done now, or what fraction will be
done by the end of CF3?  Last time around, all the major features kind
of fell on our head in January.  But some of those - like SSI and sync
rep - were things that we knew to be coming long in advance.  I know
various people are working on patches to do various things, but the
only outstanding thing that sticks out in my mind as an outstanding
"big feature" patch is Alvaro's work on foreign key locks.  I'm sure
there must be others...  but I'm not sure how many.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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