On 18/11/2011, at 10:44 AM, Robert Haas wrote:

> On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 5:49 PM, Royce Ausburn <royce...@inomial.com> wrote:
>> Thanks for the discussion so far all.  Would it be worthwhile to make 
>> another patch that addresses the points from Yeb's reviews?  It's not 
>> sounding like this unremovable tuple count is something that postgres wants, 
>> but I'm happy to keep the patch up to scratch if we're still not sure.
> One question to ask yourself at this point in the process is whether
> *you* still think the feature is useful.  I'm fairly persuaded by
> Tom's point that the value monitored by this patch will change so
> quickly that it won't be useful to have VACUUM store it; it'll be
> obsolete by the time you look at the numbers.  If you are also
> persuaded by that argument, then clearly it's time to throw in the
> towel!
> But let's suppose you're NOT persuaded by that argument and you still
> want the feature.  In that case, don't just wait for someone else to
> stick up for the feature; tell us why you still think it's a good
> idea.  Make a case for what you want.  People here are usually
> receptive to good ideas, well-presented.

Okay - thanks Robert.  I think I'll drop it.  Now that I know what to look for 
in this situation, the changes this patch includes aren't of value to me.  
That's a pretty good indicator that it's probably not valuable to anyone else.

I've changed the status of the patch to rejected in the commit fest.

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