The singleton range constructors don't work terribly well.

regression=# select int4range(42);              -- ok
(1 row)

regression=# select int4range(null);            -- not so ok
(1 row)

regression=# select int4range('42');            -- clearly not ok
ERROR:  malformed range literal: "42"
LINE 1: select int4range('42');
DETAIL:  Missing left parenthesis or bracket.

The second of these might at first glance seem all right; until you
remember that range_constructor1 is not strict and throws an error
on null input.  So it's not getting called.

What is actually happening in both cases 2 and 3 is that
func_get_detail() is interpreting the syntax as equivalent to
'literal'::int4range.  We do not have a whole lot of room to maneuver
here, because that equivalence is of very long standing; and as
mentioned in the comments in that function, we can't easily alter its
priority relative to other interpretations.

I don't immediately see a solution that's better than dropping the
single-argument range constructors.  Even if you don't care that much
about the NULL case, things like this are pretty fatal from a usability

regression=# select daterange('2011-11-18');
ERROR:  malformed range literal: "2011-11-18"
LINE 1: select daterange('2011-11-18');
DETAIL:  Missing left parenthesis or bracket.

I'm not sure that singleton ranges are so useful that we need to come up
with a short-form input method for them.  (Yeah, I know that this case
could be fixed with an explicit cast, but if we leave it like this we'll
get a constant stream of bug reports about it.)

For that matter, the zero-argument range constructors seem like
mostly a waste of catalog space too ... what's wrong with writing
'empty'::int4range when you need that?

                        regards, tom lane

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