On Nov 23, 2011, at 10:33 PM, Tom Lane wrote:

> Now you could argue that for performance reasons everybody should write
> their canonicalization functions in C anyway, but I'm not sure I buy
> that --- at the very least, it'd be nice to write the functions in
> something higher-level while prototyping.

I would apply this argument to every single part of the system that requires 
code that extends the database to be written in C, including:

* I/O functions (for custom data types)
* tsearch parsers
* use of RECORD arguments

And probably many others. There are a *lot* of problems I’d love to be able to 
solve with prototypes written in PLs other than C, and in small databases 
(there are a lot of them out there), they may remain the production solutions.

So I buy the argument in the case of creating range canonicalization functions, 
too, of course!



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