On 11/29/2011 10:13 AM, Robert Haas wrote:
On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 3:32 AM, Stefan Keller<sfkel...@gmail.com>  wrote:
After having read the most recent thread here about FDW [1] I still in
doubt what the status is of FDW in PostgreSQL 9.1. Looking at the
official docs of file_fdw as "Additional Supplied Module" [2] there's
no clue about SQL/MED and what the SQL syntax is. I'd like to
contribute at least to the documentation given there's any
implementation activity around FDWs.
I certainly think it's possible that there may be some changes to the
FDW API for 9.2; indeed we've added a few things already (like options
on columns of foreign tables).  I wouldn't expect to that to break
anything though.  odbc_fdw is a third-party FDW that is not part of
the core distribution.  It might be helpful to contact the author, but
if you want help here you at least need to provide some more details.

I think he has a point about the documentation, though. Perhaps an "Advanced Features" section in the tutorial would be useful, if someone wanted to contribute it. (Common Table Expressions would probably be another suitable candidate for a tutorial section.)



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