Joe Abbate <> wrote:
> On 11/30/2011 11:26 AM, Kevin Grittner wrote:
>> You are prepared to handle the difference between char and
>> "char", I hope.
> Pyrseas depends on the ultimate type verifier: the
> PostgreSQL parser (and related routines).
OK.  I just wanted to be sure that you were aware of that one; it
surprises people sometimes that PostgreSQL includes both a char
reserved word for a type and a "char" type which is completely
test=# create table x (noq char, withq "char");
test=# \x on
Expanded display is on.
test=# select attnum, attname, atttypid, atttypid::regtype,
       (select typname from pg_type where oid = atttypid),
       attlen, atttypmod, attbyval, attstorage, attalign
  from pg_attribute
  where attrelid = 'x'::regclass and attnum > 0;
-[ RECORD 1 ]---------
attnum     | 1
attname    | noq
atttypid   | 1042
atttypid   | character
typname    | bpchar
attlen     | -1
atttypmod  | 5
attbyval   | f
attstorage | x
attalign   | i
-[ RECORD 2 ]---------
attnum     | 2
attname    | withq
atttypid   | 18
atttypid   | "char"
typname    | char
attlen     | 1
atttypmod  | -1
attbyval   | t
attstorage | p
attalign   | c

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