2011/12/18 Jan Urbański <wulc...@wulczer.org>:
> On 18/12/11 04:21, Robert Haas wrote:
>> On Sat, Dec 17, 2011 at 7:50 PM, David E. Wheeler <da...@kineticode.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> Love having the start here. I forwarded this message to Claes Jakobsson, 
>>> creator of the jansson-using pg-json extension. He’s a bit less supportive. 
>>> He gave me permission to quote him here:
>>>> Frankly I see the inclusion of a JSON datatype in core as unnecessary. 
>>>> Stuff should be moved out of core rather than in, as we do in Perl. Also, 
>>>> does this patch mean that the 'json' type is forever claimed and can't be 
>>>> replaced by extensions?
>>>> There's little reason to reimplement JSON parsing, comparision and other 
>>>> routines when there's a multitude of already good libraries.
>> That's fair enough, but we've had *many* requests for this
>> functionality in core, I don't see what we lose by having at least
>> some basic functionality built in.
> I think having a JSON data type in core would drastically limit the
> exposure third-party JSON extensions would get and that's bad. There are
> tons of interesting features a JSON type could have and tying its
> development to a one year release cycle might be a disservice both for
> people who are willing to provide these features earlier, the users
> which are faced with a choice between a fast-moving third-party addon
> and a blessed core type and would cause overall confusion.
> How about we try the tsearch way and let JSON extensions live outside
> core for some time and perhaps if one emerges dominant and would benefit
> from inclusion then consider it?

it should be contrib modules


> If we keep treating extensions as second-class citizens, they'll never
> get the mindshare and importance we seem to want for them (or otherwise
> why go through all the trouble to provide an infrastructure for them).
> Cheers,
> Jan
> --
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