Thanks for you reply.

I found query without cursor is faster then query with server-side cursor
and several fetches.
But I have a large result set to retrieve from database. I have to choose
server-side cursor
to avoid out-of-memory problem.

When I try to debug the cursor and fetch, I found this unexpected behavior.
I think maybe
the tuplestore slows the cursor. (maybe I should do some profile later)

I want to change the code, but I am afraid there are important reasons for
the tuplestore.
Therefore, I post it to this list for help: why create tuplestore for each

p.s. a large fetch may turn tuplestore to use buffer file, and slow the
performance very much.

On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 9:06 PM, Robert Haas <> wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 8:30 AM, 高增琦 <> wrote:
> > I found this several days ago when I try to debug a "fetch" of cursor.
> > And I have sent a mail to this list, but no one reply...
> > Maybe this is a very simple problem, please help me, thanks a lot...
> >
> > Here is the example:
> >     create table t (a int);
> >     insert into t values (1),(3),(5),(7),(9);
> >     insert into t select a+1 from t;
> >     begin;
> >     declare c cursor for select * from t order by a;
> >     fetch 3 in c;
> >     fetch 3 in c;
> >     fetch 3 in c;
> >
> > In 'PortalRun', a fetch stmt will be treated with PORTAL_UTIL_SELECT,
> > and then a tuplestore will be created in 'FillPortalStore' in the
> > fetch stmt's portal.
> >
> > In 'FillPortalStore', all result will be store at that tuplestore,
> > Then, go back to 'PortalRun'; next,  'PortalRunSelect' will send this
> > results to client...
> >
> > My problem is: why do we need create that tuplestore as an
> > middle storeage? why do not we just send these result to clent
> > at the first time?
> Good question.  I wouldn't expect it to matter very much for a
> three-row fetch, but maybe it does for larger ones?  What is your
> motivation for investigating this?
> --
> Robert Haas
> EnterpriseDB:
> The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company


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