Is this only to print out the stack upon errors? Looks like the stack is in
the variable error_context_stack. Is it always available containing all the
parent functions, even when there is no error? Can I reach it from within

2012/1/10 Jim Nasby <>

> On Jan 9, 2012, at 2:08 PM, Joel Jacobson wrote:
> > Generates call graphs of function calls within a transaction in run-time.
> Related to this... we had Command Prompt write a function for us that
> would spit out the complete call-graph of the current call stack whenever
> it was called. Alvaro didn't need to add any hooks to the backend to
> accomplish this, so it would seem that the call stack is already available.
> That might simplify what you're doing.
> I don't see this posted on pgFoundry yet, so I've attached it.
> --
> Jim C. Nasby, Database Architect         
> 512.569.9461 (cell)               

Joel Jacobson

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