(2012/02/07 23:44), Marko Kreen wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 07, 2012 at 07:25:14PM +0900, Shigeru Hanada wrote:
>> - What is the right (or recommended) way to prevent from throwing
>> exceptoin in row-processor callback function?  When author should use
>> PG_TRY block to catch exception in the callback function?
> When it calls backend functions that can throw exceptions?
> As all handlers running in backend will want to convert data
> to Datums, that means "always wrap handler code in PG_TRY"?

ISTM that telling a) what happens to PGresult and PGconn when row
processor ends without return, and b) how to recover them would be
necessary.  We can't assume much about caller because libpq is a client
library.  IMHO, it's most important to tell authors of row processor
clearly what should be done on error case.

In such case, must we call PQfinish, or is calling PQgetResult until it
returns NULL enough to reuse the connection?  IIUC calling
pqClearAsyncResult seems sufficient, but it's not exported for client...

Shigeru Hanada

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