Alvaro Herrera <> writes:
> Sure.  The problem is that we are allowing updated rows to be locked (and
> locked rows to be updated).  This means that we need to store extended
> Xmax information in tuples that goes beyond mere locks, which is what we
> were doing previously -- they may now have locks and updates simultaneously.

> (In the previous code, a multixact never meant an update, it always
> signified only shared locks.  After a crash, all backends that could
> have been holding locks must necessarily be gone, so the multixact info
> is not interesting and can be treated like the tuple is simply live.)

Ugh.  I had not been paying attention to what you were doing in this
patch, and now that I read this I wish I had objected earlier.  This
seems like a horrid mess that's going to be unsustainable both from a
complexity and a performance standpoint.  The only reason multixacts
were tolerable at all was that they had only one semantics.  Changing
it so that maybe a multixact represents an actual updater and maybe
it doesn't is not sane.

                        regards, tom lane

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