Tom, agreed - it looks like we dug the hole and got ourselves into it.
But I still want to understand why.

It looks like we have rather small table on the host where I see the
slowness. And all other tables have triggers that will update one row
in that small table. The small table contains single entry per table.
The thing is, when I scan pg_locks - I can pretty much see everything
waiting for lock to access that table. To grab pg_lock output, I'm
using this view:

    waiting.locktype           AS waiting_locktype,
    waiting.relation::regclass AS waiting_table,
    waiting_stm.current_query  AS waiting_query,
    waiting.mode               AS waiting_mode,                AS waiting_pid,
    other.locktype             AS other_locktype,
    other.relation::regclass   AS other_table,
    other_stm.current_query    AS other_query,
    other.mode                 AS other_mode,                  AS other_pid,
    other.granted              AS other_granted
    pg_catalog.pg_locks AS waiting
    pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity AS waiting_stm
    ON (
        waiting_stm.procpid =
    pg_catalog.pg_locks AS other
    ON (
            waiting."database" = other."database"
        AND waiting.relation  = other.relation
        OR waiting.transactionid = other.transactionid
    pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity AS other_stm
    ON (
        other_stm.procpid =
    NOT waiting.granted
AND <> AND other_stm.query_start < now() -
interval '14 hours' AND other_stm.current_query NOT LIKE '<IDLE>';

And yes, some updates are there for longer then 14 hours.

Now, there's two of those queries in particular - both updating just a
single row. Stuck for over 14 hours (2 days now actually).
I simply cannot believe that single table in the middle of things will
lock stuff up so much.

Also, on the subject of prepared transactions (2PC), the "select *
from pg_prepared_xacts ;" query simply does not reveal anything,
despite the fact that I know that there should be at least two of
those open.
Unless it only list saved transactions, not a transaction in the
middle of operation.

I need these 2PC transactions, in order to achieve something close to
multi-master replication.
But what I think I'll target first, is the triggers updating that
single table on my 'main master'. Unless you guys can suggest
something better.

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