Yuva Chandolu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I see different results in Oracle and postgres for same outer join queries.

I believe you are sending your bug report to the wrong database.

> When I run the query "select yt1_name, yt1_descr, yt2_name, yt2_descr from
> yuva_test1 left outer join yuva_test2 on yt1_id=yt2_id and yt2_name =
> '2-name2'" on postgres database I get the following results

> yt1_name      yt1_descr       yt2_name        yt2_descr
> 1-name1       1-descr1
> 1-name2       1-descr2        2-name2 2-descr2
> 1-name3       1-descr3
> 1-name4       1-descr4
> 1-name5       1-descr5
> 1-name6       1-descr6

> But when I tried the same on Oracle(8.1.7) (the query is "select yt1_name,
> yt1_descr, yt2_name, yt2_descr from yuva_test1, yuva_test2 where
> yt1_id=yt2_id(+) and yt2_name = '2-name2'') I get the following results

> yt1_name      yt1_descr       yt2_name        yt2_descr
> 1-name2       1-descr2        2-name2 2-descr2

According to the SQL spec, the output of a LEFT JOIN consists of those
joined rows where the join condition is true, plus those rows of the
left table for which no right-table row produced a true join condition
(substituting nulls for the right-table columns).  Our output clearly
conforms to the spec.

I do not know what Oracle thinks is the correct output when one
condition is marked with (+) and the other is not --- it's not very
obvious what that corresponds to in the spec's terminology.  But I
suggest you take it up with them, not us.

                        regards, tom lane

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