Robert Haas <> writes:
> It's been bugging me for a while now that we don't have a prewarming
> utility, for a couple of reasons, including:
> 1. Our customers look at me funny when I suggest that they use
> pg_relation_filepath() and /bin/dd for this purpose.

Try telling them about pgfincore maybe.

> 2. Sometimes when I'm benchmarking stuff, I want to get all the data
> cached in shared_buffers.  This is surprisingly hard to do if the size
> of any relation involved is >=1/4 of shared buffers, because the
> BAS_BULKREAD stuff kicks in.  You can do it by repeatedly seq-scanning
> the relation - eventually all the blocks trickle in - but it takes a
> long time, and that's annoying.

That reminds me of something…

 cedric=# select * from pgfadvise_willneed('pgbench_accounts');
       relpath       | os_page_size | rel_os_pages | os_pages_free
  base/11874/16447   |         4096 |       262144 |        169138
  base/11874/16447.1 |         4096 |        65726 |        103352
 (2 rows)

 Time: 4462,936 ms

With pgfincore you can also get at how many pages are in memory already,
os cache or shared buffers, per file segment of a relation.  So you can
both force warming up a whole relation, parts of it, and check the
current state of things.

> So I wrote a prewarming utility.  Patch is attached.  You can prewarm
> either the OS cache or PostgreSQL's cache, and there are two options
> for prewarming the OS cache to meet different needs.  By passing the
> correct arguments to the function, you can prewarm an entire relation
> or just the blocks you choose; prewarming of blocks from alternate
> relation forks is also supported, for completeness.

Is it possible with your tool to snapshot the OS and PostgreSQL cache in
order to warm an Hot Standby server?

Dimitri Fontaine     PostgreSQL : Expertise, Formation et Support

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