On 03/26/2012 04:29 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
> Stefan Kaltenbrunner <ste...@kaltenbrunner.cc> writes:
>> On 03/26/2012 03:47 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
>>> Replace empty locale name with implied value in CREATE DATABASE and initdb.
>> hmm seems like this commit broken quagga:
>> http://www.pgbuildfarm.org/cgi-bin/show_log.pl?nm=quagga&dt=2012-03-26%2002%3A03%3A04
> Hm, it's hard to see how that patch would have affected the
> create-conversions step but not any preceding one.  Can you provide
> a stack trace from the core dump?

hmm weird - I cannot reproduce the core dump using the binaries created
by the failing build at all.
Given that the current build also went through just fine I wonder if
that was some sort of false-alarm created by a cosmic ray or a hardware
issue(though I have no indication that anything is wrong on the box).


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