> Besides, more generally, Postgres already has a reputation as being
> difficult to install.  The proposal to separate out all the
> "non-basics" (I'm not even sure how one would draw that line: maybe a
> server-only package and a client-library package run through GBorg?)
> would mean that anyone wanting to do something moderately complicated
> would have a yet higher hurdle.  Isn't that a problem?

When you install freebsd or linux, is it a problem that all the perl modules
you need have to fetched from cpan ? why can't they call just be part of the
OS ?'
likewise with dns servers, samba, apache etc.. this is a bit of a stretched
but the point is the same.

Personall, I'd live to just be able to download the server with pg_dump psql

But that's just me for what it's worth.


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TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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