Robert Haas <> writes:
> On reflection, it seems to me that the right fix here is to make
> SlruSelectLRUPage() to avoid selecting a page on which an I/O is
> already in progress.

This patch seems reasonably sane to me.  It's not intuitively obvious
that we should ignore I/O-busy pages, but your tests seem to prove
that that's a better algorithm.

However, I do have a couple of quibbles with the comments.  The first
para in the large block comment in SlruSelectLRUPage:

         * If we find any EMPTY slot, just select that one. Else locate the
         * least-recently-used slot to replace.

seems now to be quite out of touch with reality, and correcting it two
paras down doesn't really fix that.  Besides which, you ought to explain
*why* it's ignoring I/O-busy pages.  So perhaps merge the first and
third paras of the comment into something like

         * If we find any EMPTY slot, just select that one.  Else choose
         * a victim page to replace.  We normally take the least recently
         * used valid page, but we will never take the slot containing
         * latest_page_number, even if it appears least recently used.
         * Slots that are already I/O busy are never selected, either:
         * a read-busy slot will not be least recently used once the read
         * finishes, while waiting behind someone else's write has been
         * shown to be less efficient than starting another write.

Or maybe you have a better short description of why this is a good idea,
but there ought to be something here about it.

Also, as a matter of style, I think this comment ought to be inside the
"if" block not before it:

         * All pages (except possibly the latest one) are I/O busy. We'll have
         * to wait for an I/O to complete and then retry.  We choose to wait
         * for the I/O on the least recently used slot, on the assumption that
         * it was likely initiated first of all the I/Os in progress and may
         * therefore finish first.
        if (best_valid_delta < 0)
                SimpleLruWaitIO(ctl, bestinvalidslot);

I don't know about you, but I read a comment like this as asserting a
fact about the situation when control reaches where the comment is.
So it needs to be inside the "if".  (Analogy: if it were an actual
Assert(all-pages-are-IO-busy), it would have to be inside the if, no?)

                        regards, tom lane

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