On Wed, 31 Jul 2002, Andrew Sullivan wrote:

> Ok, how then would one set the location of the config file?

Option on the command line. Works for lots of different servers out
there already (BIND, apache, etc.).

Whether we also want to emulate them using a compiled-in default if the
command line option is not specified, I don't know. I would tend to
prefer not, because that might change from system to system, and also
if someone leaves the "default" config file around but isn't using it,
you can accidently start up postgres with the wrong config. But I won't
argue that point heavily.

I hate environment variables for servers because the environment
changes, is hard to detect on some systems (ps always shows you the
command line unless you muck with it), etc.

> And I presume this is all for the server only, right?  Nobody is
> talking about getting rid of (for instance) $PGPORT for clients,
> right?

I'm certainly not wanting to get rid of it on the client. I won't go
into the reasons unless anybody really cares....

Curt Sampson  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   +81 90 7737 2974   http://www.netbsd.org
    Don't you know, in this new Dark Age, we're all light.  --XTC

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