Magnus Hagander <> writes:

> One thing to note is that the referenced wiki page is over a year old.
> And that many more things have been said on email lists than are
> actually in that page.

Yeah, I went through it briefly and rather important concern seem to
have been raised by Tom Lane in this msg:

This paragraph:

> The real question is, who is going to keep it up to date?  GSM has the
> right point of view here: we need at least a couple of people who are
> willing to invest substantial amounts of time, or it's not going to go
> anywhere.  Seeing that we can barely manage to keep the mailing list
> moderator positions staffed, I'm not hopeful.

> But as one note - I don't believe you can drive redmine completely
> from email, which is certainly a requirement that has been discussed,
> but is not entirely listed on that page.

Ugh, what do you mean by that?  You can change any attribute (like
status, priority, assigned person, etc.) of a ticket via email.
Anything else?

> FWIW, I think the closest thing we've found so far would be debbugs -
> which IIRC doesn't have any kind of reasonable database backend, which
> would be a strange choice for a project like ours :) And makes many
> things harder...

What stops us from writing a postgres backend for debbugs if it is so
brilliant on handing email and stuff?


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