On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 12:27:45PM +0200, Albe Laurenz wrote:
> During ANALYZE, in analyze.c, functions compute_minimal_stats
> and compute_scalar_stats, values whose length exceed
> WIDTH_THRESHOLD (= 1024) are not used for calculating statistics
> other than that they are counted as "too wide rows" and assumed
> to be all different.
> This works fine with regular tables; values exceeding that threshold
> don't get detoasted and won't consume excessive memory.
> With foreign tables the situation is different.  Even though
> values exceeding WIDTH_THRESHOLD won't get used, the complete
> rows will be fetched from the foreign table.  This can easily
> exhaust maintenance_work_mem.
> A foreign data wrapper has no good way to counter the problem.
> It can return truncated values in ist AcquireSampleRowsFunc,
> but WIDTH_THRESHOLD is private to analyze.c and it's a bad idea
> to hard code a cutoff limit of 1025.
> I can think of two remedies:
> 1) Expose WIDTH_THRESHOLD in commands/vacuum.h and add documentation
>    so that the authors of foreign data wrappers are aware of the
>    problem and can avoid it on their side.
>    This would be quite simple.

Seems reasonable.  How would the FDW return an indication that a value was
non-NULL but removed due to excess width?

Not all databases can cheaply filter out wide column values; by the time the
remote side has an exact width, the remote I/O damage may already be done.  To
dodge that problem, when a column has "SET STATISTICS 0", the FDW should be
able to completely omit reading it.  (I haven't studied the API needs, if any,
to make that possible.)

> 2) Instead of one callback that returns all sample rows, have
>    a callback that just returns the next table row (or the next
>    table row from a subset of the pages of the table in the
>    internal case).  This function could be called in a short-lived
>    memory context.  Vitter's algorithm for selecting a sample
>    and the truncation of excessively long values would then be
>    handled in analyze.c.
>    This would avoid the problem completely and make it easier
>    to write a foreign data wrapper.
>    I haven't thought this out completely, and it would require
>    bigger changes to analyze.c and the API than are probably
>    welcome this close to beta.

This solves the (in your downthread example) 30 GiB of memory consumption, but
you'll still read 30 GiB on the remote side and ship it all over the network.
To call this fixed, we'll need something like (1) that lets the FDW limit
volume at the remote side.


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