Am 22.05.2012 15:27, schrieb Albe Laurenz:
If you need different applications to routinely access each other's tables, why not assign them to different schemas in one database?

I just saw another use case here.

There are lots of offices / departments creating maps. Topography maps,
pipeline maps, nature conservancy (e.g. where are the nests from endangered
birds?), mineral resources, wire maps, street maps, bicycle / jogging maps,
tourists maps, tree maps, cadastral land register, and so on.

All this departments have their own databases for their own maps.
They only map their own stuff.

Towns / states / regions have a department where all these maps get collected.

You can go to your town and ask for weird maps today - e.g. a map with all jogging
routes and waste water pipes but without autobahns.

You could say that you have one database per layer.

As I said - I saw this construction in real world outside. I am pretty sure that other
states maybe have other solutions but the described solution exist.


Dipl. Inf. Susanne Ebrecht - 2ndQuadrant
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training and Services

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