On Thu, 24 May 2012, Merlin Moncure wrote:

Are you sure?  I looked at all the ReleasePredicateLocks calls and
they appear to be guarded by:

       /* Nothing to do if this is not a serializable transaction */
       if (MySerializableXact == InvalidSerializableXact)
               return false;
What's the default isolation mode set to?

Sorry, it was indeed my mistake. I was pointing opreport to the binary which was recompiled, while the old version was still running , so I guess oprofile was picking up wrong function names

Here is the correct oprofile: when multiple queries are running :
samples  %        symbol name
952457   13.8715  LWLockAcquire
  952457   100.000  LWLockAcquire [self]
779077   11.3464  PinBuffer
  779077   100.000  PinBuffer [self]
759898   11.0671  s_lock
  759898   100.000  s_lock [self]
689753    6.7178  slot_deform_tuple
  689753   100.000  slot_deform_tuple [self]
526002    5.1230  UnpinBuffer
  526002   100.000  UnpinBuffer [self]

When only one is running:
samples  %        symbol name
163268   14.0343  slot_deform_tuple
  163268   100.000  slot_deform_tuple [self]
126018   10.8324  _bt_compare
  126018   100.000  _bt_compare [self]
113975    9.7972  ExecProject
  113975   100.000  ExecProject [self]
49760     4.2773  FunctionCall2Coll
  49760    100.000  FunctionCall2Coll [self]
49164     4.2261  LWLockAcquire
  49164    100.000  LWLockAcquire [self]
43526     3.7414  hash_search_with_hash_value
  43526    100.000  hash_search_with_hash_value [self]


I guess there is nothing catastrophically wrong with that, but still I'm very suprised that you get severe locking problems (factor of two slow-down) when running parallel read-only transactions.


Sergey E. Koposov, PhD, Research Associate
Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge
Madingley road, CB3 0HA, Cambridge, UK

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