On May 28, 2012, at 11:57 AM, Christopher Browne <cbbro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> All interesting...
> We've got several models as to how logs are likely to be captured,
> which mean that it'll be difficult to have one uniform answer.
> 1.  An easy traditional default is to capture logs in a log directory.
> An FDW might be able to get at this, with the cost of some additional
> configuration.  Unfortunately, that injures the simplicity of this way
> of logging.
> 2.  Ask Syslog
> My favorite way to configure *my* PG instances (e.g. - those that I
> use for testing) is for them to forward messages to syslog.  That way
> they, and my Slony test instances, are all logging to one common
> place, rather than the logs getting strewn in a bunch of places.
> An FDW that could talk to syslog would be a nifty idea, though there
> are enough different syslog implementations around to, again, injure
> the simplicity of this.

What does "talk to syslog" mean in this context?  Syslog doesn't store any 
data; it just routes it around.

> [Also, mumble, mumble, syslog might be forwarding to a remote server,
> further complications...]
> 3.  Lossy logging is desired by some doing high performance systems
> where they can't afford to capture everything
> http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-hackers/2011-11/msg01437.php
> One approach that I know Theo has used has been to throw events onto a
> Spread channel, and have a listener pulling and aggregating the events
> on a best-efforts basis.  I'm not sure if I should treat that as a
> separate answer, or as part of the same.
> 4.  For a while, I had my syslog set up to capture logs into a
> Postgres table.  Very cool, but pretty big slowdown.
> What's notably messy, right now, is that we've got a bunch of logging
> targets where there's nothing resembling a uniform way of *accessing*
> the logs.  It seems to me that the messiness and non-uniformity are
> the tough part of the problem.

Yeah, I agree.  I think what is missing here is something that can be read (and 
maybe indexed?) like a table, but written by a pretty dumb process.  It's not 
terribly workable to have PG log to PG, because there are too many situations 
where the problem you're trying to report would frustrate your attempt to 
report it.  At the other end of the spectrum, our default log format is easy to 
generate but (a) impoverished, not even including a time stamp by default and 
(b) hard to parse, especially because two customers with the same 
log_line_prefix is a rare nicety.  The  CSV format is both rich and 
machine-parseable (good start!) but it takes an unreasonable amount of work to 
make it usefully queryable.  We need something that looks more like a big red 

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