On Sun, Feb 19, 2012 at 12:10 PM, Pavel Stehule <pavel.steh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello
> I found so this extremely simple patch should be useful.
> It helps for pattern SELECT fx();
> There was thread about it.

Hi Pavel,
I signed up to be reviewer for this patch, and finally got around to
taking a look. This thread, and the thread about Peter's earlier patch
along the same lines have gotten a bit muddled, so allow me some recap
for my own sanity.

The first point to be addressed, is that Pavel's patch is basically a
subset of Peter's earlier[1] patch. Pavel's patch autocompletes


with possible function names. Peter's patch autocompletes both
possible column names and possible function names. So, which version,
if any, would we want? Both Tom[2] and depesz[3] have asked for column
names to be autocompleted if we're going to go down this road, and I
personally would find completion of column names handy. Others [5][6]
have asked for function names to be (also?) autocompleted here, so it
seems reasonable that we'd want to include both.

I counted two general objections to Peter's patch in these threads, namely:

 1.) Complaints about the tab-completion not covering all cases,
possibly leading to user frustration at our inconsistency. [2] [4]
 2.) Concerns that the tab-completion wouldn't be useful given how
many results we'd have from system columns and functions [7]

I do agree these are two legitimate concerns. However, for #1, our
tab-completion is and has always been incomplete. I take the basic
goal of the tab-completion machinery to be "offer a suggestion when
we're pretty sure we know what the user wants, otherwise stay quiet".
There are all sorts of places where our reliance on inspecting back
only a few words into the current line and not having a true command
parser prevents us from being able to make tab-completion guesses, but
that's been accepted so far, and I don't think it's fair to raise the
bar for this patch.

Re: concern #2, Tom complained about there being a bunch of possible
column and function completions in the regression test database. That
may be true, but if you look at this slightly-modified version of the
query Peter's patch proposes:

SELECT substring(name, 1, 3) AS sub, COUNT(*)
  FROM (
    SELECT attname FROM pg_attribute WHERE NOT attisdropped
    SELECT proname || '(' FROM pg_proc p WHERE
pg_catalog.pg_function_is_visible(p.oid)) t (name)

I count only 384 distinct 3-length prefixes in an empty database,
thanks to many built-in columns and functions sharing the same prefix
(e.g. "int" or "pg_"). Obviously, there is plenty of room left for
3-length prefixes, out of the 27^3 or more possibilities. In some
casual mucking around in my own databases, I found the
column-completion rather useful, and typing 3 characters of a
column-name to be sufficient to give matches which were at least
non-builtin attributes, and often a single unique match.

There were some ideas down-thread about how we might filter out some
of the noise in these completions, which would be interesting. I'd be
happy with the patch as-is though, modulo the attisdropped and
pg_function_is_visible() tweaks to the query.


[2] http://archives.postgresql.org/message-id/7745.1328855069%40sss.pgh.pa.us
[3] http://www.depesz.com/2011/07/08/wish-list-for-psql/
[4] http://archives.postgresql.org/message-id/13612.1328887227%40sss.pgh.pa.us
[7] http://archives.postgresql.org/message-id/9966.1331920074%40sss.pgh.pa.us

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