On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 10:02 AM, Andres Freund <and...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
> Were not the only ones here that are performing scope creep though... I think
> about all people who have posted in the whole thread except maybe Tom and
> Marko are guilty of doing so.
> I still think its rather sensible to focus on exactly duplicated schemas in a
> very first version just because that leaves out some of the complexity while
> paving the road for other nice things.

Well, I guess what I want to know is: what does focusing on exactly
duplicated schemas mean?  If it means we'll disable DDL for tables
when we turn on replication, that's basically the Slony approach: when
you want to make a DDL change, you have to quiesce replication, do it,
and then resume replication.  I would possibly be OK with that
approach.  If it means that we'll hope that the schemas are duplicated
and start spewing garbage data when they're not, then I'm not
definitely not OK with that approach.  If it means using event
triggers to keep the catalogs synchronized, then I don't think I don't
think that's adequately robust.  The user could add more event
triggers that run before or after the ones the replication system
adds, and then you are back to garbage decoding (or crashes).  They
could also modify the catalogs directly, although it's possible we
don't care quite as much about that case (but on the other hand people
do sometimes need to do it to solve real problems).  Although I am
100% OK with pairing back the initial feature set - indeed, I strongly
recommend it - I think that robustness is not a feature which can be
left out in v1 and added in later.  All the robustness has to be
designed in at the start, or we will never have it.

On the whole, I think we're spending far too much time talking about
code and far too little time talking about what the overall design
should look like.  We are having a discussion about whether or not MMR
should be supported by sticking a 16-bit node ID into every WAL record
without having first decided whether we should support MMR, whether
that requires node IDs, whether they should be integers, whether those
integers should be 16 bits in size, whether they should be present in
WAL, and whether or not the record header is the right place to put
them.  There's a right order in which to resolve those questions, and
this isn't it.  More generally, I think there is a ton of complexity
that we're probably overlooking here in focusing in on specific coding
details.  I think the most interesting comment made to date is Steve
Singer's observation that very little of Slony is concerned with
changeset extraction or apply.  Now, on the flip side, all of these
patches seem to be concerned with changeset extraction and apply.
That suggests that we're missing some pretty significant pieces
somewhere in this design.  I think those pieces are things like error
recovery, fault tolerance, user interface design, and control logic.
Slony has spent years trying to get those things right.  Whether or
not they actually have gotten them right is of course an arguable
point, but we're unlikely to do better by ignoring all of those issues
and implementing whatever is most technically expedient.

>> You've got four people objecting to this patch now, all of whom happen
>> to be committers.  Whether or not MMR goes into core, who knows, but
>> it doesn't seem that this patch is going to fly.
> I find that a bit too early to say. Sure it won't fly exactly as proposed, but
> hell, who cares? What I want to get in is a solution to the specific problem
> the patch targets. At least you have, not sure about others, accepted that the
> problem needs a solution.
> We do not agree yet how that solution looks should like but thats not exactly
> surprising as we started discussing the problem only a good day ago.

Oh, no argument with any of that.  I strongly object to the idea of
shoving this patch through as-is, but I don't object to solving the
problem in some other, more appropriate way.  I think that won't look
much like this patch, though; it will be some new patch.

> If people agree that your proposed way of just one flag bit is the way to go
> we will have to live with that. But thats different from saying the whole
> thing is dead.

I think you've convinced me that a single flag-bit is not enough, but
I don't think you've convinced anyone that it belongs in the record

>> As I would rather see this project
>> succeed, I recommend that you don't do that.  Both you and Andres seem
>> to believe that MMR is a reasonable first target to shoot at, but I
>> don't think anyone else - including the Slony developers who have
>> commented on this issue - endorses that position.
> I don't think we get full MMR into 9.3. What I am proposing is that we build
> in the few pieces that are required to implement MMR *ontop* of whats
> hopefully in 9.3.
> And I think thats a realistic goal.

I can't quite follow that sentence, but my general sense is that,
while you're saying that this infrastructure will be reusable by other
projects, you don't actually intend to expose APIs that they can use.
IOW, we'll give you an apply cache - which we believe to be necessary
to extra tuples as text - but we're leaving the exercise of actually
generating those tuples as text as an exercise for the reader.  I find
that a highly undesirable plan.  First, if we don't actually have the
infrastructure to extract tuples as text, then the contention that the
infrastructure is adequate for that purpose can't be proven or
disproven.  Second, until someone from one of those other projects (or
elsewhere in the community) actually goes and builds it, the built-in
logical replication will be the only thing that can get benefit out of
the new infrastructure.  I think it's completely unacceptable to give
an unproven built-in logical replication technology that kind of pride
of place out of the gate.  That potentially allows it to supplant
systems such as Slony and Bucardo even if it is in many respects
inferior, just because it's been given an inside track.  They have
lived without core support for years, and if we're going to start
adding core support for replication, we ought to start by adding the
things that they think, on the basis of their knowledge and
experience, are the most important places where core support is
needed, not going off in a completely new and untested direction.
Third, when logical replication fails, which it will, because even
simple things fail and replication is complicated, how am I going to
debug it?  A raw dump of the tuple data that's being shipped around?
No thanks.

IOW, what I see you proposing is, basically, let's short-cut the hard
problems so we can get to MMR faster.  I oppose that.  That's not the
Postgres way of building features.  We start slow and incremental and
we make each thing as solid as we possibly can before going on to the
next thing.  It's not always the fastest way of building technology,
but the results are of very high quality, and we rarely have to throw
out features completely and start over.  When we do misdesign a
feature (rules, contrib/xm2) the bug reports persist for years, if not
decades, and it's often hard to get even the most obvious bugs (e.g.
crashes) fixed, because the original developers have moved on to other
things, and as a community we don't get to tell people what projects
to work on.  If we mess up with logical replication, the results will
be exponentially worse, so I think it is 100% appropriate to be
extremely conservative.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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