On 20 June 2012 17:41, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> Peter Geoghegan <pe...@2ndquadrant.com> writes:
>> No, I'm suggesting it would probably be at least a bit of a win here
>> to cache the constant, and only have to do a strxfrm() + strcmp() per
>> comparison.
> Um, have you got any hard evidence to support that notion?  The
> traditional advice is that strcoll is faster than using strxfrm unless
> the same strings are to be compared repeatedly.  I'm not convinced that
> saving the strxfrm on just one side will swing the balance.

I've written a very small C++ program, which I've attached, that
basically proves that this can still make a fairly large difference -
I hope it's okay that that it's C++, but that allowed me to write the
program quickly, with no dependencies for anyone who cares to try this
out, other than a C++ compiler and the standard library.

It just inserts 500,000 elements (the same succession of psuedo-random
strings again and again) into a std::set, which is implemented using a
red-black tree on my machine. In one case, we just use strcmp() (there
is actually no tie-breaker). In the other case, the comparator
allocates and fills memory for a strxfrm blob when needed, caches it,
and uses strxfrm() to generate blobs for other elements into a
dedicated buffer which persists across comparisons.

It prints the duration of each run, and a running average for each
case until terminated. Here is what the output looks like on my

[peter@peterlaptop strxfrm_test]$ g++ -O2 set_test.cpp
[peter@peterlaptop strxfrm_test]$ ./a.out
Time elapsed with strcoll: 1.485290 seconds
Time elapsed with strxfrm optimization: 1.070211 seconds
Time elapsed with strcoll: 1.813725 seconds
Time elapsed with strxfrm optimization: 1.097950 seconds
Time elapsed with strcoll: 1.813381 seconds
Time elapsed with strxfrm optimization: 1.102769 seconds
Time elapsed with strcoll: 1.826708 seconds
Time elapsed with strxfrm optimization: 1.105093 seconds
Time elapsed with strcoll: 1.842156 seconds
Time elapsed with strxfrm optimization: 1.103198 seconds
*****strcoll average: 1.756252 strxfrm average: 1.095844*****
Time elapsed with strcoll: 1.834785 seconds
Time elapsed with strxfrm optimization: 1.105369 seconds
Time elapsed with strcoll: 1.817449 seconds
Time elapsed with strxfrm optimization: 1.110386 seconds
Time elapsed with strcoll: 1.812446 seconds
Time elapsed with strxfrm optimization: 1.101266 seconds
Time elapsed with strcoll: 1.813595 seconds
Time elapsed with strxfrm optimization: 1.099444 seconds
Time elapsed with strcoll: 1.814584 seconds
Time elapsed with strxfrm optimization: 1.099542 seconds
*****strcoll average: 1.787412 strxfrm average: 1.099523*****
Time elapsed with strcoll: 1.820218 seconds
Time elapsed with strxfrm optimization: 1.102984 seconds
Time elapsed with strcoll: 1.817549 seconds
Time elapsed with strxfrm optimization: 1.100526 seconds
Time elapsed with strcoll: 1.817020 seconds
Time elapsed with strxfrm optimization: 1.099273 seconds
Time elapsed with strcoll: 1.820983 seconds
Time elapsed with strxfrm optimization: 1.100501 seconds
Time elapsed with strcoll: 1.813270 seconds
Time elapsed with strxfrm optimization: 1.098904 seconds
*****strcoll average: 1.797544 strxfrm average: 1.099828*****
Time elapsed with strcoll: 1.815952 seconds
Time elapsed with strxfrm optimization: 1.102583 seconds

If you'd like to print the contents of the set, there are a couple of
lines you can uncomment. It should be straightforward to understand
the program, even if you don't know any C++.

Note that I still think that the compelling case for strxfrm() caching
is sorting tuples, not btree index traversal. All that I ask is that
you allow that on the whole, this will pay for the cost of verifying
equivalency within _bt_checkkeys() once per index-scan.

I am aware that a red-black tree isn't generally an excellent proxy
for how a btree will perform, but I don't think that that really
matters here.

Peter Geoghegan       http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training and Services
 * set_test.cpp:
 * Measure the performance characteristics of using strcoll() as
 * a string comparator rather than caching strxfrm() blobs.
 * Author: Peter Geoghegan
 * A std::set is an ascending container of unique elements. The implementation
 * that I used for any numbers published was the one from Gnu libstdc++, on
 * Fedora 16. That particular implementation uses a red-black tree, but the
 * standard's requirement that common operations (search, insert, delete) take
 * logarithmic time effectively requires the use of some kind of self-balancing
 * binary search tree, which isn't a bad proxy for a btree for my purposes.

#include <set>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <string>
#include <sys/time.h>

#define BLOB_STRING_SIZE	128

timeval_subtract(struct timeval *x, struct timeval *y)
	struct timeval result;
	/* Compute the time remaining to wait. tv_usec is certainly positive. */
	result.tv_sec = x->tv_sec - y->tv_sec;
	result.tv_usec = x->tv_usec - y->tv_usec;

	/* return difference in seconds */
	return result.tv_sec + ((double) result.tv_usec / 1000000);


 * Enter a psuedo-random sequence of characters into a buffer specified by buf
 * This just places lower-case ascii characters into the buffer, so strings
 * generated by this function should be relatively cheap to do a
 * collation-aware sort with when LC_COLLATE is set to en_*.UTF-8. I've made a
 * point of using en_US.UTF-8 in benchmarks.
place_random_string(char *buf)
    static std::string charset = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";

    for (int i = 0; i < ORIG_STRING_SIZE; i++)
        buf[i] = charset[rand() % charset.length()];

class string_wrapper
	string_wrapper(bool use_strcoll);
	string_wrapper(const string_wrapper &rhs);
	virtual ~string_wrapper();
	// operator< is our comparator, required by std::set
	bool operator<(const string_wrapper &rhs) const;
	// If you want to see the strings contents printed to stdout, call this
	// function:
	void print_contents() const;
	// Don't provide an asignment operator
	const string_wrapper& operator=(const string_wrapper& rhs);
	// mark these "mutable" so they can be modified in our comparator as part
	// of the required lazy initialization (std::set in turn requires that it
	// is a const member function). Not very idiomatic, but the easiest way to
	// approximate how this might work in Postgres.
	mutable char *orig_string;
	mutable char *strxfrm_buf;
	mutable char *strxfrm_rhs_buf;
	bool use_strcoll;

typedef std::set<string_wrapper> string_set;

 * Default constructor
string_wrapper::string_wrapper(bool use_strcoll):
	orig_string(new char[ORIG_STRING_SIZE]),
	// Generate a random string in a buffer. This class conceptually manages
	// that resource.

 * Copy constructor: Make a deep copy of the class
string_wrapper::string_wrapper(const string_wrapper &rhs):
	orig_string(new char[ORIG_STRING_SIZE]),
	// Only copy the original string
	strcpy(orig_string, rhs.orig_string);

 * Boilerplate destructor
	delete [] orig_string;

	if (strxfrm_buf)
		delete [] strxfrm_buf;
		delete [] strxfrm_rhs_buf;

 * Comparator required by std::set
bool string_wrapper::operator<(const string_wrapper &rhs) const
	if (use_strcoll)
		 * I might have simulated the extra strcmp() tie-break overhead here,
		 * but that interface isn't supported.
		return strcoll(orig_string, rhs.orig_string) < 0;
		// Do we already have a buffer allocated? We lazily allocated this on
		// the first time through.
		if (!strxfrm_buf)
			strxfrm_buf = new char [BLOB_STRING_SIZE];
			strxfrm_rhs_buf = new char [BLOB_STRING_SIZE];

			// Set up our cached blob
			strxfrm(strxfrm_buf, orig_string, BLOB_STRING_SIZE);
		// Create temporary blob for rhs element as part of tree traversal
		strxfrm(strxfrm_rhs_buf, rhs.orig_string, BLOB_STRING_SIZE);
		return strcmp(strxfrm_buf, strxfrm_rhs_buf) < 0;

string_wrapper::print_contents() const
	printf("String contents: %s\n", orig_string);

print_set_contents(const string_set &rhs)
	// The map is sorted and iterable
	for (string_set::const_iterator i = rhs.begin();
			i != rhs.end(); ++i)

#define NUM_ELEMS	500000

main(int argc, const char *argv[])
	double non_opt_tot = 0, opt_tot = 0;

	int runs = 0;
		struct timeval begin, end;
		double secs_result;
		// Just so there's no ambiguity about what memory is allocated when,
		// allocate set dynamically:
		string_set *non_opt = new string_set;

		/* simple strcoll run */
		gettimeofday(&begin, NULL);
		for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ELEMS; ++i)
			string_wrapper wrap(false);
		gettimeofday(&end, NULL);

		secs_result = timeval_subtract(&end, &begin);

		printf("Time elapsed with strcoll: %f seconds\n", secs_result);

		non_opt_tot += secs_result;

		// You may wish to uncomment this to see the sorted elements printed

		// This delete statement calls the set's destructor, which is turn calls
		// each string's destructor, freeing all resources used.
		delete non_opt;

		// Actual string values should be completely deterministic for both sets of behaviours

		string_set *opt = new string_set;

		/* strxfrm run */
		gettimeofday(&begin, NULL);
		for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ELEMS; ++i)
			string_wrapper wrap(true);
		gettimeofday(&end, NULL);

		secs_result = timeval_subtract(&end, &begin);
		printf("Time elapsed with strxfrm optimization: %f seconds\n", secs_result);

		opt_tot += secs_result;

		// You may wish to uncomment this to see the sorted elements printed

		delete opt;

		if (runs % 5 ==0)
			printf("*****strcoll average: %f strxfrm average: %f*****\n", non_opt_tot / runs, opt_tot / runs);
	return 0;
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