On Mon, 2002-08-12 at 18:41, Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 12, 2002 at 11:30:36AM -0400, Andrew Sullivan wrote:
> > The problem is not just a system-level one, but a filesystem-level
> > one.  Enabling 64 bits by default might be dangerous, because a DBA
> > might think "oh, it supports largefiles by default" and therefore not
> > notice that the filesystem itself is not mounted with largefile
> > support.  But I suspect that the developers would welcome autoconfig
> > patches if someone offered them.
> Are there any filesystems in common use (not including windows ones) that
> don't support >32-bit filesizes?
> Linux (ext2) I know supports by default at least to 2TB (2^32 x 512bytes),
> probably much more. What about the BSDs? XFS? etc

Ext2 & 3 should be okay.  XFS (very sure) and JFS (reasonably sure)
should also be okay...IIRC.  NFS and SMB are probably problematic, but I
can't see anyone really wanting to do this.  Maybe some of the
clustering file systems (GFS, etc) might have problems???  I'm not sure
where reiserfs falls.  I *think* it's not a problem but something
tingles in the back of my brain that there may be problems lurking...

Just for the heck of it, I did some searching.  Found these for


So, in a nut shell, most modern (2.4.x+) x86 Linux systems should be
able to handle large files.


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