Gurjeet Singh <> wrote:
> On occasions I have wanted psql to emit the full 'True'/'False'
> words instead of cryptic one-letter t/f, which can get lost on
> long rows that get wrapped around on screen. Writing long-winded
> CASE expressions to get the effect is too much for small ad-hoc
> queries.
> I thought of inventing a data type whose out-function would emit
> these strings, and tack a ::mybool to the expression I want
> modified. But that would break the applications if somebody pasted
> the same  query in an application (JDBC or some such that
> understands boolean) and expected a boolean data type instead of a
> text output of an expression.
The type itself does output true/false; it's just psql that uses
test=# select 'true'::boolean::text;
(1 row)
test=# select 'false'::boolean::text;
(1 row)
That has always seemed quite odd (and occasionally inconvenient) to

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