On 08/18/2012 10:11 AM, John Lumby wrote:
I've recently tried extending the postgresql prefetch mechanism on linux
to use the posix (i.e. librt)
aio_read and friends where possible.     In other words,   in
PrefetchBuffer(),   try getting a buffer
and issuing aio_read before falling back to fposix_advise().     It
gives me about 8% improvement
in throughput relative to the fposix-advise variety, for a workload of
16 highly-disk-read-intensive applications running to 16 backends.
For my test each application runs a query chosen to have plenty of
bitmap heap scans.

I can provide more details on my changes if interested.

On whether this technique might improve sort performance  :

First,  the disk access pattern for sorting is mostly sequential
(although I think
the sort module does some tricky work with reuse of pages in its
"logtape" files
which maybe is random-like),  and there are several claims on the net
that linux buffered file  handling
already does a pretty good job of read-ahead for a sequential access
without any need for the application to help it.
I can half-confirm that in that I tried adding calls to PrefetchBuffer
in regular heap scan
and did not see much improvement.    But I am still pursuing that area.

But second,  it would be easy enough to add some fposix_advise calls to
sort and see whether
that helps.    (Can't make use of PrefetchBuffer since sort does not use
the regular relation buffer pool)

I have also added prefetching calls to regular index scans
(non-bitmap,  non-index-only,  for btree only)
and see a 25% reduction in total elapsed time for a heavy
index-scan workload.     That 25% is with just the
basic posix_fadvise,  and then extending that with asynch io
gives a small extra improvement again.


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