On 10/4/12 11:34 AM, Greg Sabino Mullane wrote:
I was wondering recently if there was any command line tool that
>utilized PQping() or PQpingParams(). I searched the code and couldn't
>find anything and was wondering if there was any interest to have
>something like this included? I wrote something for my purposes of
>performing a health check that also supports nagios style status
>output. It's probably convenient for scripting purposes as well.
I'm not sure how useful this information would be. Most health
checks (Nagios or otherwise) really only care if things are
working all the up to point A or not, where point A is usually
a simple query such as "SELECT 1". Knowing various failure states
as returned by PQping* does not seem to fit into such tools -
any failure needs to be handled manually.

For whatever reason our Nagios setup telnets to the port to see if it's open, 
which means we get a ton of messages in the log about authentication errors or 
some such. It'd be useful to us to have a utility that could cleanly validate 
the server was up and communicating, without having to actually login.
Jim C. Nasby, Database Architect                   j...@nasby.net
512.569.9461 (cell)                         http://jim.nasby.net

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