On 10/12/2012 12:03 PM, Sébastien Lardière wrote:
If we can do something like :
SELECT pg_if_table_exists('bar' , pg_if_table_exists('foo', 'TRUNCATE
TABLE foo, bar, foobar')) ;
SELECT pg_if_tables_exists('TRUNCATE TABLE foo, bar, foobar', 'foo',
'bar') ;
I say yes !
This strikes me as just highly un-SQL-like.
Someone could fairly easily write it for themselves in Plpgsql or C, but
it doesn't seem to me like something we should be doing.
I tend to agree with Noah's comment upthread:
But the syntax is a bandage for raw psql input remaining a hostile
environment for implementing the full range of schema changes. Switch to
submitting your SQL from a richer programming environment, and these additions
to core syntax cease to add much.
I think this goes a fortiori for Heath Robinson-like devices such as this.
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